Design Study on the Relationship between Problem Framing and Solution

提供: JSSD5th2019
2019年11月3日 (日) 22:32時点におけるAhmed Mohammed Sayed Mohammed (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (まとめ Conculusion)
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Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mohammed / 九州大学大学院芸術工学府デザインストラテジー専攻
Graduate School of Design, Department of Design Strategy, Kyushu University 
Keywords: Design Thinking, Problem Framing, Human Centered Design 

Problem framing plays a significant role in the design process, as the way that designers approach design problems affects the final solution.Understanding the relationship between problem framing and solutions helps designers to navigate their way of thinking to make sure that the final solution meets user's needs and desires.This research analyzes different case studies done by different organizations and design studios, Then proposes a holistic map of how this relationship between problem framing and solutions work. By this holistic map, designers can create different themes for solving a design problem and they would be able to translate those themes into wide range of solutions.

目的と背景 Research Goal and Background

The importance of framing in design relies not only in creating a new way of viewing a problematic situation, but it also creates particular outcome spaces that afford a different range of responses. That’s why framing is often considered as the creative step that allow for original solutions to be produced.[1] In his book, Dorst also pointed out that nowadays problems are “open, complex, dynamic, and networked” as the nature of the problems we face consists of many elements which change overtime and that makes the system borders unclear, so that makes us to change our conventional way of thinking.[2] The main goal of this research is to create a holistic map of the relationship between problem framing and solutions in design. As this research tries to show the importance of understanding this realtionship,so designers can face complex design problems in a way that creates different range of solutions. The main challenge here is not only to create solutions for complex problems ,but also to make sure that these solutions are human centered and create benefits for all stakeholders in the problem context.

研究の方法 Research Method


This research analyzes different case studies done by different organizations and design studios. The selection of those case studies was based on the availability of the information of each one of them. Around eight different case studies were collected from Designing Out Crime Center, IDEO and Digital Surgeons, then they were analyzed into details using relationship diagrams in a way to have a holistic view from the beginning of the design process till the final solution. The analysis starts with issue layers to understand the background of the design problem and to detect user's needs and desires as to frame a design problem, designers need to start from the known part of the abduction equation as they need to start from user's values and hidden needs (Outcome) then they can think of objects or systems (What) with certain working principles (How) to achieve these desired values.[3] The second step of the analysis is to revise the governing rules in way to filter user's desires and needs. Then it shows how different themes are created and how could these themes be interpreted into solutions that achieves values not only for users,but also for stakeholders in the problem context.  

結果 Results

This research proposed a holistic map for the relationship between problem framing and solutions in design. The proposed holistic map is based on the understanding of five different points through the design process. These points are identified as following:

  • Issue Layers:Through Issue Layers, users’ needs and desires can be detected and the main issue can be realized. Issue layers are explored by understanding the problem background,user's needs and desires, user's behaviors and the main issue.
  • Governing Rules:Governing rules helps to identify needs and desires according to law, general ethics, culture and religion. It is a filtering process before creating themes.
  • Themes:Themes could be created based on user’s needs, desires and actions or based on the main issue that resulted from user’s behavior.
  • Solution Concept:Solution concept is the answer of one of these two questions: How to prevent the problem and deal with it before it happens? Or How to deal with it after it happens?
  • Values:Values are the ultimate goal of the design process. Achieved values should be relevant to all stakeholders in the problem context.

After framing the design problem, the next step is to create themes which are the start of creating solutions.Through the analysis of case studies, created themes found to be based on either user's desires or based on the main issues. In the case of user's desires, solutions will be oriented to how to deal with the problem before it happens, but in the case of the main issue, solutions will be oriented to how to deal with the problem after it happens. This way of approaching design problems creates wide range of solutions and possibilities.

考察 Discussion

From the previous results many points need to be discussed. As if we have a look at the resulted solutions in each of the previous examples, we will find out that these solutions need to be criticized regarding their cost as many of these solutions could be creative, but they cost more than others, so a parameter needs to be created to measure the credibility of each of these solutions compared to the achieved value and the resulted benefit on user's and stakeholders.Another point that need to be discussed is that this holistic map focuses at the beginning on understanding user's need and desires and how they act like that, but users also need to be included after coming up with final solutions to test them and get feedback from them to make sure that these solutions are human centered. In some recent design fields, we can notice that designers start designing based on their own aspiration.In that case designers create the need rather than looking for it which is another level of design, but this point is out of the scope of this research as this research focuses more on human centered design.

まとめ Conclusion

Recently design thinking became more popular between many organizations and start ups because of its ability to solve problems in more creative ways. Recent researches focus on the advantages of design thinking and its ability to tackle more complicated problems,but few of them try to explain the philosophy behind it. This research tries to propose a holistic map to help designers and researchers understands how design thinking works and how the relationship between problem framing and solutions could be visualized.In future research this holistic map needs to be tested with some real life problems to see the credibility of it.  

脚注 References

  1. Bec Paton, Kees Dorst, "Briefing and reframing: A situated Practice," Design Studies, vol. 32, pp. 573-587, 2011.
  2. K. Dorst, Frame Innovation: Create New Thinking by Design, London: The MIT Press, 2015.
  3. K. Dorst, "Frame Creation and Design in the Expanded Field," The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, no. 1, pp. 22-33, 2015.

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