
information の変更点

// SETTINGS ////////////////////////////////
// #include_mainvisual(MyMainVisual)
// #tableborder(none)

&small(九州産業大学 芸術学部 情報デザイン研究室);
//information design lab. 

//&small(新・芸術学部の英語表記:Faculty of Art & Design);

//***Recommended Movie
//''Heal the World (2020)'' Michael Jackson Official

//&scale(90){'''As music and musical performances shared online continue to unite the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems fitting to include Michael’s live performance of “Heal The World” integrated with imagery from these current times as a global message of encouragement and comfort to all during this difficult period. '''};

//Brand new planet|Mr.Children

//Miss You Like Crazy - Music Travel Love

//''Documentary film''|Mr.Children Official

//Take Me Home, Country Roads - Music Travel Love

//I Knew I Loved You - Music Travel Love
//Everyday life in bygone days in Tokyo, 1966
//Wintergatan - Marble Machine
//Views of Tokyo, Japan, 1913-1915
//Japan Night Aerials in 8K
//Right Here Waiting by Music Travel Love
//[ re: ] |もう一度
//Bank Band with Salyu|to U - PROTECT to U version -
//Heal The World - Music Travel Love (Michael Jackson Cover)
//松崎ナオ - 川べりの家 (Official Music Video)
//Michael Jackson Tribute - Heal The World - Child Prodigy Cover
//Strandbeest Evolution by Theo Jansen
//Imagine (UNICEF: World Version) 
//Pandapia HD|Panda cubs and nanny Mei’s war Ⅱ
//|#youtube(GBaHPND2QJg,100%)| 表組みにするとFullScreenの対象

***Design for a Sustainable Future


-[[ソーシャルデザイン学科>https://design.kyusan-u.ac.jp/socialdesign/]]| since 2016
//-[[ソーシャルデザイン学科 概要>ソーシャルデザイン学科]]
//-[[情報デザイン専攻 概要>ソーシャルデザイン学科/情報デザイン専攻]]


***Favorite words
-'''Small is beautiful''' E.F.Schumacher, 1973
-'''Write once, run anywhere''' Sun Microsystems, 1995
-'''Simple is better than complex''' The Zen of Python, 1999
-'''Fall in love with the problem, not the solution''' Google,  2019
//-'''Open first, Online first'''
//-'''Anytime Anywhere'''

&size(12){| [[About]] | [[Articles]]|};
// [[Works]] |
// [[Annex>https://design.kyusan-u.ac.jp/OpenSquareJP_WP/]] |

//  https://www.youtube.com/user/OpenSquare/live
//    https://youtu.be/xODSzkjk2Ek
// https://youtu.be/AP3ofKs_BFE
